Festive Kill Team at Warhammer World

Last Wednesday in that strange netherland between Christmas and New Year, myself and some friends made the short trip from Chesterfield down to Warhammer World in Nottingham.

The idea was to play a number of games of Kill Team, have a mooch around and generally try not to spend any money (LOL!).

Mighty Generals plan their campaigns

I took my Elucidian Starstriders Rogue Trader team. Having previously played them a couple times (badly) using the ‘Into the Dark’ variation of the rules I was keen to see how they held up in the more open environs of the standard game.

Answer – not well. Evidence below. I played two games, one against Hadrian’s Genestealer Cult, the other against Jamie’s Eldar Halequins.

Despite the results it was great to get some games played at the home of the hobby, using some of the great terrain available.

Shopping wise I managed to get hold of the exclusive (to Warhammer World) reprints of the original Rogue Trader rulebook and Realm of Chaos Slaves to Darkness volumes.

Roll on the next visit.