Contrast Cowboys

A while back I picked up a box of the multi-part plastic 28mm scale Old West ‘Gunfighters’ from Great Escape Games.

These have been a joy to put together and I recently built two posses based on the lists in the Dead Man’s Hand rules (also from Great Escape Games).

These miniatures have been really easy to paint using Citadel Contrast paints, particularly due to the plethora of browns and tans in the range that suit the setting down to the ground.

I’m hoping to try out the rules sometime soon and at this rate should have two opposing factions completed relatively quickly.

I call this fella ‘The Colonel’ – he’s chicken licken good
He is the law!
A couple more members of the posse.

Elucidian Starstriders Kill Team

Most of my current gaming (that isn’t 7TV) is Kill Team, the skirmish level Warhammer 40k ruleset from Games Workshop.

I recently bought the Elucidian Starstriders, a Kill Team based around a Rogue Trader and her retinue of followers. Previously released for the first edition of the game, this was recently re-released for the latest version along with rules support in the 2022 annual rules supplement.

This team is quite diverse in terms of it’s models, however I wanted to choose a single colour to try and tie them in as a squad. Wanting to do something different to the box art / studio colour scheme I decided to go with an emerald/jade green as this theme.

So here are my Elucidian Starstriders who I’m looking forward to bringing to the table for my next game.

Elucia Vhane (Rogue Trader) and Canid (good boy)
Rejuvenat Adept
Death Cult Executioner
Voidmaster and Voidsman

Random Red Shadows

I have been neglecting the blog for a while, so in an effort to get back into gear and start posting more regularly again, what better thing to revist than my neverending Action Force Red Shadows project.

I was delighted to find some 3D sculpts based on Baron Ironblood and the boys available on the Patreon of Random Miniatures. The offerings on here are as the title says very Random, but there have been a number of ‘G.I. Bro’ (sic) releases over the last year or so. Then out of the blue a few months ago came some wonderful old school Action Force Enemy inspired sculpts for download and printing.

So here are some of the Baron’s mechanical legion, namely Red Jackal and a pair of Mutons. These printed really nicely and were painted up from a Wraith Bone primer undercoat using primarily Citadel Contrast paints. I’ve tried to stick to simple colour schemes following the original toys.

I’ve got a few more to complete including the Baron, the Black Major, some Krakens and Skeletrons, Red Laser and of course the Red Shadow legions themselves.

More to follow soon…